10 September 2021
Dear friends and colleagues,
It is with deep sorrow that we must let you know about the passing of Sergej Schuwalow. We lost a dear Colleague who made significant contributions to particle physics through his outstanding
expertise in detectors.
Sergej joined the FCAL collaboration in 2007, when we launched the EUDETprogram for the development of advanced detector technologies. Prior to FCAL, Sergej was a physicist in ITEP Moscow,
and one of the responsible persons for the electromagnetic calorimeter designed and built by ITEP and INFN for the HERA-B experiment at DESY.
In FCAL, Sergej contributed exceptionally all the time to the research in the development of electromagnetic calorimeters at small polar angles, based on his profound background in particle, and
particularly detector physics.
Sergey introduced emerging research directions in the development of radiation-hard sensors and contributed significantly to the deeper understanding of radiation damage mechanisms. Many of
his ideas shaped the design of forwarding calorimeters for experiments at future colliders.
Thanks to Sergej, several beam-test campaigns have been successfully carried out.
The data recorded in these measurements became part of Ph.D. theses and were published in prestigious scientific journals.
Students, young scientists, and even senior ones highly appreciated his advice in the daily research work.
In the last years, Sergej extended his research activities also to hadron calorimeters within the CALICE group at DESY.
Sergej was a highly respected member of the particle physics research community, always open for new ideas, did research with full dedication and with a collaborative spirit.
He will be very much missed. Let his memory be blessed.
condolences by: Aharon Levy Wolfgang Lohmann