Title of document
"Development of the LumiCal detector for the ILC project"
Dudar Bohdan Viktorovich
MSc thesis
"Optimization of an electromagneticcalorimeter for the LUXE experiment"
Mykyta Shchedrolosiev
"Detector R&D towards realistic luminosity measurement at the forward region of future e+e− linear colliders"
Itamar Levy
PhD Thesis
"abs:Digital filtering schemes for data processing of test beam of the prototype of the LumiCal detector" "Digital filtering schemes for data processing of test beam of the prototype of the LumiCal detector"
Evgeny Lutsenko
"Operation of the prospective sid beamcal in the expected high-radiation forward environment of the ILC"
Benjamin Smithers, mentor Bruce Schumm
"Luminosity measurement at ILC"
Ivan Smiljanic, mentor Dr. Ivanka Bozovic-Jelisavcic
"Uniformity of detector prototypes for instrumentation in the very forward region of future linear colliders"
Oron Rosenblat
MSc Thesis
"Energy linearity and resolution of the LHCal calorimeter of the ILD detector for the ILC experiment"
Vladyslav Lukianchuk
"Characterisation and Application of Radiation Hard Sensors for LHC and ILC"
Olga Novgorodova
"CMOS Techniques in integrated circuits for particle physics experiments"
Enrique Álvarez
"Development of prototype luminosity detector modules for future experiments on linear colliders"
Kulis, Szymon
"Luminosity Measurement at the Compact Linear Collider"
Rina Schwartz
"Detector devlopment for the instruments in the forward region of future linear colliders"
"Luminosity detector at ILC: Monte Carlo Simulations and analysis of test beam data"
J. Aguilar
"Rare decays in high energy interactions and performance studies on FCAL region at a linear collider"
E. Teodorescu
"The Bean: A Pulse Processor for a Particle Physics Experiment"
Angel Abusleme
"Physics background in luminosity measurement at ILC and measurement of the proton b-content at H1 using multivariate method"
M. Pandurovic
"Investigations of the Physics Potential and Detector Development for the ILC"
M. Ohlerich
“Simulations of Electromagnetic and Hadronic Background in BeamCal at the ILC”
"Luminosity Measurement at the International Linear Collider"
I. Sadeh
"Optimisation of a Testbeam Setup and Background Estimates for Detectors at the ILC using Monte Carlo Simulations"
R. Schmidt
"Design Studies and Sensor Tests for the Beam Calorimeter of the ILC Detector"
E. Kuznetsova
"A Luminosity Detector for the ILC"
R. Ingbir
"Beam diagnostic Laser-Wire and Fast Luminosity Spectrum Measurement at the International Linear Collider."