FCAL workshops

The regular meetings of the FCAL collaboration bring together, twice a year, the community interested in the physics case, detector design and R&D for the forward region of a future e+e- linear collider.

Record of past workshops

24-27 Sep 2024 in Krakow, Poland

26-27 March 2019 CERN Geneva, Switzerland.

10 - 11 of May 2018 Cracow, Poland

6-7 March 2017 , CERN Switzerland

21 - 22 March 2016 | JINR, Dubna

23-24 March 2015 | CERN, Geneva

26-27 May 2014 | ISS Bucharest

29. April - 1. May 2013 ; IFJ PAN Cracow

07.-08. May 2012 ; DESY Zeuthen

30. May - 1. June 2011; Predeal

12.-13. April 2010; Cracow

29.-30. June 2009; DESY Zeuthen

6.-7. May 2008; Cracow

29. May 2007; DESY Zeuthen

12.-13. February 2006; Cracow

22.-23. February 2005; DESY Zeuthen

16. April 2004; Prague

31. March 2003; Amsterdam


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